A Look Back — and Ahead — at MLC’s New CEO
As Major League Cricket gets ready to fire up its third season this June, it'll do so with a new name at the top. Former Cricket West Indies CEO Johnny Grave has taken a similar position with the US's top…
Major League Cricket 2024 Preview
This side of the Earth was just host to one of the most exciting World Cups in recent memory and now the eyes of the cricketing world will remain fixed on the US as Major League Cricket gets ready to…
Brashna Kasi: Quetta, Karachi, and Canastota
In the time I've been writing about cricket, I've had the chance to meet a lot of other members of the cricket media. And since the American cricket media only goes about nine deep, most of the folks I've met…
The MLC Original Six: What’s in a Name?
After two years of Minor League Cricket, Major League Cricket -- the most high-profile professional cricket league in US history -- is ready to launch this July. Overall, fan interest, both here and internationally, is uniformly high as cricket fans…
The State of the Union’s Cricket
(Updated 4/28/23) As talk of World Cups and new professional leagues slowly puts cricket on the radar of sports fans in this country, it's a good time to ask: just where does cricket in the US fit into the overall…