A Look Back — and Ahead — at MLC’s New CEO
As Major League Cricket gets ready to fire up its third season this June, it'll do so with a new name at the top. Former Cricket West Indies CEO Johnny Grave has taken a similar position with the US's top…
Foreign Correspondent
As an American who's gone to tons of professional and college sporting events over the past thousand or so years, it was cool to be able to check out a few Vitality Blast T20 matches on a recent trip to…
Move the Needle
There are plenty of ways to grow the game of cricket in the United States and one of the easiest ways to do it doesn't involve a whole lot of work. You don't have to wake up early on a…
Can Disney Deliver Cricket to the US?
What do Iron Man, The Hulk, Luke Skywalker, Hans Solo, Chris Gayle, and Sheldon Cottrell have in common? Simple. If you want to watch any of these heroes in action, you're going to have to give some credit card information…
If You Repurpose It, They Will Come
One of the hurdles that cricket in this country has faced is the lack of international-quality grounds. If you wanted to stage any ICC-sanctioned cricket in this country in front of a large crowd, you had to go to Lauderhill,…