• Culture,  History,  Media

    Post Apocalypso Cricket

    From the mid-70s to the early 90s, the West Indies Cricket team was the most dominating cricket XI on the planet. They didn't just beat teams and other nations, they destroyed them. As a sports fan, you'd have to look…

  • Literacy,  Relaxing

    Summer Reading

    Summer -- it’s a time to relax, feel the sun on your face, and enjoy doing all the things you couldn’t do while being miserable all winter. If your idea of a relaxing summer day is kicking back with a…

  • Gaming,  Technology

    Virtual Reality Check

    I've spent a good part of my life as a gamer and spent several years as a game reviewer for some of the top gaming sites on the Internet. My thumbs have gamed through everything from grainy, pixel-y, old school…

  • Lauderhill,  Television

    Calling The Shots

    The recent -- and Covid-shortened -- series between the USA and Ireland gave cricket fans in this country a lot of "firsts" to celebrate. It was the first T20 victory against a full-member nation in USA history. It also marked…

  • Opthamology,  Spirit of Cricket

    Helping Hands

    I've been watching American sports for about a thousand years at this point. As a result, there are things I've come to expect: Tom Brady will find a way to win, the Orioles will find a way to lose, and…

  • Numbers,  Physics,  Relativity

    Cricket XXS

    First off, I'm a huge fan of West Indies cricket. Roughly half the clothing I own says either "Digicel" or "Sandals" on it. And if I had three kids, they would be named Christopher, Henry, and Gayle regardless of their…