Helping Hands
I've been watching American sports for about a thousand years at this point. As a result, there are things I've come to expect: Tom Brady will find a way to win, the Orioles will find a way to lose, and…
Cricket XXS
First off, I'm a huge fan of West Indies cricket. Roughly half the clothing I own says either "Digicel" or "Sandals" on it. And if I had three kids, they would be named Christopher, Henry, and Gayle regardless of their…
Move the Needle
There are plenty of ways to grow the game of cricket in the United States and one of the easiest ways to do it doesn't involve a whole lot of work. You don't have to wake up early on a…
Got Him. Got Him. Need Him. Part III
If you've read my previous blogs -- or if you've ever been in my basement -- you know that I like to collect stuff. I've written about both current and vintage collectable cricket cards in the past and I've been…
The Boys of Summer
Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote about how cricket had a unique opportunity to make inroads in this county because the four major sports were still in turmoil about how they were going to start -- or restart --…
King of Kings
There are plenty of reasons why we need sports. Sure, there are the obvious ones -- you can bet on them and they go good with beer -- but sometimes they just provide us with great stories. And there's no…
Is America Ready for Cricket?
I'll spare you the curious details about the rest of my life, but for the past two weeks, things have broken down like this: the first part of the day is about the IPL and the second part of the…
Can Disney Deliver Cricket to the US?
What do Iron Man, The Hulk, Luke Skywalker, Hans Solo, Chris Gayle, and Sheldon Cottrell have in common? Simple. If you want to watch any of these heroes in action, you're going to have to give some credit card information…
Style Points
I don't need to tell you this was one of the craziest years that anyone of us can remember. And while there's no promise that 2021 will be any better, there's something symbolic about saying goodbye to 2020. While I…
Adventures in Fantasyland
They say that a man's worth can be measured by the number of fantasy sports leagues he's participated in. If so, then I've had a very rich life, indeed. Fantasy leagues give us something that previous generations of sports fans…